Signs of Rising Damp are usually observed as a damp mark or stain patch to the decorative wall covering to the lower wall areas normally above skirting board level, this is usually the first sign of failure of the existing damp course or the omission of a damp course barrier in new build properties.






Kerelaw Building Preservation undertake a full range of Basement Waterproofing treatments, our treatments provide a damp solution and resolve to basement areas, under street cellars and areas below ground level affected by dampness.






Our specialist replastering treatments are carried out by our experienced and qualified operatives and therefore you can be assured of a level of quality control throughout the whole stage and our Chemical Damp Proof Course and plastering system combined are covered by our guarantees.






Timber Decay is found in timbers that are in prolonged contact with dampness particularly in poor ventilated areas such as below floors and where defective gutters exist, rising damp or high ground levels exist, creating suitable conditions for decay to establish and flourish.






Common furniture beetle (Anobium punctatum) can affect timber anywhere but it usually attacks soft wood and likes a small amount of moisture in the timber. The adult beetle lays its eggs in crevices and between timber joints, the larvae hatch out and are too small to see the entry hole. The larvae bore up and down the grain of the timber creating frass in the tunnels they bore.






In many cases condensation can be alleviated by moisture management and the appropriate control of ventilation and heating, specialist mould inhibitor paints can be used and the installation of specialist passyfier vents can be fitted to control condensation related problems, our company will carry out an inspection of your property to identify the extent of mould and condensation related dampness and establish the source and provide recommendations to remove mould and control condensation affected areas.






These are metal ties, which connect at regular intervals the outer and inner leaves of a cavity wall.


Early types are of thick ungalvanised metal, often in fishtail pattern shape.


These can rust and expand in the outer leaf of a masonry wall. This will cause the masonry to bulge out and eventually and become detached from the rest of the wall.

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Kerelaw Depot, 2 Kerelaw Road, Stevenston, Ayrshire, KA20 4AS